Melanie Ho

A stat person who loves data science and travel.

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Who I am

I-Huei, also Melanie.
A Data Scientist but also work on Backend Developing.
A master student from UGA majored in STAT but worked on both statistics and data science.
A Python and R user. DS for Python and STAT for R. Also use Pyspark and Django for web developing. Addicted to Python.

What I Do

40% of data science, 30% of data analysis, 30% of web developing.
Strong interest in natural language processing, especially want to apply deep learning methods to it.
Experience on image processing (HOG, NMF, CNMF) and natural language processing (Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Random Forest).
Used numpy, scikit-learn, nltk, OpenCV. Really wants to spend more time on tensorflow. Worked on web traffic datasets and applied time series models. Compared ARIMA and LSTM.
Recently really addicted to Cohort Analysis.

What else

A RICEAHOLIC, but also loves ramen and Camembert.
MacBook Pro Retina 13 and Visual Studio Code user. Worships Magsafe2 and enjoys the keyboard sounds while typing. Loves Airtable, put all traveling itineraries in Airtable and they are awesome. Wishes to have 48 hours a day. Loves coding, eating, and traveling.



Generalized Linear Model, Mixed Effect Model, Time Series Model, Principal Component Analysis, Non-negative Matrix Factorization, Statistical Programming, Statistical Consultation

Data Science

Machine Learning, Data Mining, Natural Language Processing, Text Mining, Image Processing, Image Segmentation, Automatic Differentiation


R, Python, SQL, Pyspark, SAS, Microsoft Excel, SPSS, Google Cloud Computing Engine


Mandarin Chinese, English, Japanese



Holds lectures and workshops at department of Sociology.


R sources for SOCI6630

Course website for SOCI6630 at department of Sociology.


R workshops

Materials for two R workshops at department of Sociology.
