
This repository is for two R workshops holded by I-Huei on April 5 and April 19, 2018 at Department of Sociology, University of Georgia. Please contact her via email ihuei.ho25@uga.edu if you have any question about this website and its content.


[04/05] Getting started in R

This workshop gives the introduction of why R becomes prevailing these decades and the basic skills you need to know as a beginner in R. The content includes different modes of different objects, data management, and basic graphics in R.

Click the cubes above to access the content page.

[04/19] Further Implementation

This workshop gives the introduction of those packages using in linear models, mixed effect model, logistic regression, factor analysis, … etc in R. The content will be updated in detail when the workshop is getting closer.

Click the cubes above to access the content page.


  • R, [Website]

    The website contains download links of R in different languages and different operating systems (Windows, OS X, Linux). Every download is free.

  • R studio, [Website]

    The website contains download links of R Studio in different languages and different operating systems (Windows, OS X, Linux). Every download is free. There are also some introduction of R packages and shiny. Take a look and play with those stuffs!

    It is convenient to program in R studio since it will do a lot of things for you automatically. However, don’t rely on it too much. You will have to program yourself sometimes instead of relying on those GUI buttons.

  • Try R, [Website]

    A simple online exercise for practicing programming in R. The website are built by code school. All those topics are necessary if you want to analyze data in R in the future. If you want to practice, go try it!