R sources for SOCI6630


All contents on this site references John Fox and Sanford Weisberg's textbook "An R companion to applied regression ". Click here to access the official website of the book. The only purpose of this website is to provide R scripts and exercises used in the course SOCI6630. Any use of commercial purposes is not allowed.

This is not the official website of SOCI 6630. For course announcements, check the eLC.

1 Getting Started

Introduction, R Basics, R Functions, Generic Functions and Models, EXERCISE

2 Reading and Manipulating

Data Input, Data Frames, Matrices, Arrays, Lists, EXERCISE

3 Exploring and Transforming

Examining Distributions, Examining Relationships, Examining Multivariate Data, Transforming Data, Point Labeling and Identification, EXERCISE

4 Fitting Linear Models

OLS, Coefficients, Testing Hypotheses, Model Selection, Overparametrized Models, lm functions, EXERCISE


Nice sources and websites for learning R.

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